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5 Important Do S And Don Ts Of Disciplining Your Child

5 Important Do’s and Don’Ts of Disciplining Your Child
Sunday September 29th, 2024


Adopting discipline as an essential and integral part of our lives begins by understanding its importance and purpose, which revolves around the overall growth of an individual, especially children in their earlier days.

 As responsible parents, it is practically impossible to visualize your child growing without discipline, so it is a vital aspect of your child's all-around development. The concept of discipline moves beyond a set of rules and regulations by formulating a foundational platform strong enough to shape the behavior and character of your little ones.  

Punishment isn't integral to discipline. However, teaching essential life skills like self-control, responsibility, and respecting others, especially the elders within the family, must be the pedagogy to train your kids.

If you are a concerned parent of a highly enthusiastic toddler and wish to understand the mandatory 'Do's and Don'ts' of disciplining him, then this blog is for you. This blog will offer you a set of positive discipline practices that are easy to understand and simple to follow.

Do: Be Consistent

Every process delivers performance only with consistency and perseverance. If you wish to inculcate a liking for discipline in your children, consistency is the answer.    

Discipline adds value to your child's individuality and a whole new dimension of understanding where the child successfully develops a positive attitude towards life and its challenges. Even the nursery and preschool in the Cayman have acknowledged its importance and have started offering a nurturing environment to students where they can create a mindset to help them excel in life.

Parents, teachers, and caregivers must be clear about the rules and regulations. They must consistently endeavor to enforce them (in a soft to moderate manner), allowing children to understand what is expected from them and cultivate a sense of responsibility, security, stability, and vigilance.  

These rules don't just develop a sense of discipline in children but also apprise them about behaviors that are acceptable in society and those that are not. This clarity makes them confident and cognizant while exploring their surroundings, communicating with peers, and responding to challenges.

Don't: Use Physical Punishment

No, Never, Definitely Not.

Physically punishing your child should always be your last resort. Times have changed, and so have the effectiveness and appropriateness of disciplinary methods. Punishing children physically has been globally accepted as a taboo and categorized as one of the most brutal methods to discipline your child.  

Physical punishment can bring in a lot of lasting negative effects that are powerful enough to impact your child's emotional and psychological well-being. Anticipating the pain and agony that your child will experience is beyond the imagination of any parent who wants their child to be "Truly Humane."

The purpose of punishing the child shouldn't be to instill fear. Instead, it should make him realize what his mistake was and offer him an opportunity to repair the damage caused. There is always a reasonable approach to ensuring that the child understands the consequences of his actions and promises to act with responsibility. Scars may heal physically but will remain fresh in his heart unless treated with love, care, and compassion on time.

Do: Use Positive Reinforcement

Parents can switch to using positive discipline techniques to bring about a change in their child's behavior. As part of these techniques, positive reinforcement is the most effective strategy that experts recommend for kids.

Using the positive reinforcement strategy triggers good behavior in children. Parents can encourage them by rewarding their desired actions. This process of rewarding charges the kid positively and also sends a clear message to him. Through this strategy, your child will easily understand the significance of good behavior and the benefits of continuing it.


When you see your child sharing his toys and games with his siblings, it's time to appreciate his actions. The right words at the right time create a mammoth effect. You can begin by praising him verbally and gift him his favorite sticker or a small toy as a reward.  

Once home, children find ways to skip completing their homework, which is natural. Consider yourself fortunate if you see him finishing his homework on time. Reciprocate his behavior by gifting him extra playtime or a small treat during weekends.  

If you observe, you will come across multiple child discipline methods. Reinforcing good behavior is crucial, but tracking your child's good deeds is equally important. Help your child create a chart where he can track his good deeds. This chart will inspire him to be accountable for his deeds and develop a strong moral foundation for life.

Don't: React in Anger

Anger can never help you find the right solution; it will all the more steer you away from your core purpose of positive child behavior management. It is advisable to keep your cool rather than regret while talking to your kid.  

The best parenting discipline advice is never to ignore the importance of staying calm and composed while disciplining your child. Parenting discipline guidelines require every parent to refrain from reacting in anger with their children.  

Remember: Anger Does More Harm than Good

It quickly escalates situations, making them worse than before and transforming teaching moments into emotional battles for children and their parents.  

Children generally mimic their parents. Hence, parents must avoid responding with frustration. You might have your stress, tensions, and work pressures, but never vent them through anger. Children might misinterpret anger as an acceptable form of communication and an appropriate way to resolve conflicts.  

Staying calm keeps the family environment conducive and pleasant. Teach your kids to present their thoughts, opinions, or arguments without getting agitated or angry. By staying calm, parents can become efficient, emotional role models for their children. Help your toddler understand that there are healthier responses to challenges.  

Teach them to respond rather than react with anger-based behavior.

Do: Set Clear and Reasonable Expectations

Children are amazing. They are innocent at heart yet mature in their behavior when it comes to helping someone they love or adore.  

At such a tender age, they are unaware of what is expected of them. Hence, parents and teachers should have clear, reasonable, and age-appropriate expectations from them. If your child gains this clarity, his growth and development journey will become way more simple and systematic.  

It is now the responsibility and moral duty of parents and educators to communicate these expectations to kids so that they understand what is required of them and why they should behave in a specific manner.  

The primary reason to offer this clarity is to develop a sense of self-discipline, responsibility, and accountability. These elements are of utmost importance in making kids' behavior correction process successful.  

When parents empower kids with clarity of expectations, they soon learn to make informed decisions. This clarity also offers them a clarity of vision and what to expect from life. This understanding fosters emotional intelligence and social skills in children, maturing them into well-adjusted citizens.

Don't: Ignore Positive Behavior

Parents who are focused on disciplining their child's behavior for good must learn to acknowledge and praise him for his positive behavior. Appreciating your child's positive act is one of the essential modules of effective discipline strategies.

The attitude of praising your child nurtures a positive and blissful environment for him. Nagging or scolding your kid for his negative behavior will begin discouraging your child from attempting new things in life. He would start feeling disheartened, disgraced, and at a loss of self-esteem and confidence. This attitude will neither benefit the child nor his parents.  

As part of positive discipline techniques, parents can begin recognizing and awarding children for their good behavior. This versatile approach reinforces positive actions within the child and motivates him to make positive choices or decisions regularly.  

Schools must offer parenting discipline guidelines to help build self-confidence in children and strengthen the parent-child or teacher-student relationship. Appreciating positive behavior in children develops a powerful support system that ensures growth and learning in kids.

Do: Communicate and Listen

Communication is a bi-directional process that works well with an open mind and open heart. Positive communication has proved instrumental in building a cohesive and healthy parent-child relationship. It is a significant step toward ensuring successful child behavior management.

There will always be a difference of opinion, thought, and understanding between children and their parents. Hence, parents must make sure to actively listen to what the child has to say and what his perspective is about a specific thing or matter.

If you want to discipline your child's behavior, it is essential to engage him in conversations. Parents must hold an open-minded discussion with their kids and explain to them the rules, consequences, and their implications. This discussion will add value to your child's understanding and prepare him for a more disciplined behavior.

Children feel satisfied and contented when you hear them actively. In response, they will collaborate happily with you instead of resisting your judgment. This strategy will develop confidence within your child and foster a sense of trust and respect.  

Through this positive discipline technique, let your child grab the opportunity to grow and adopt positive behavior as a mandatory way of life, resulting in stronger family ties.


Throughout this blog, we have discussed the Do's and Don'ts of disciplining your child. Enforcing discipline on your kid does not work unless you, as a parent, balance its purpose with love, care, and support, making the child feel and accept discipline as an essential part of his life.  

If you follow the do's and don'ts well during the growth and development of your child, you will soon witness a major positive change in his behavior, which later would nurture him into a well-adjusted, well-groomed individual.  

Parents should implement discipline best practices and create an environment where the child can thrive in all the dimensions of life. Clarity in communication plays a major role. Hence, parents must clarify the expectations they have for the child and provide him with the necessary emotional support to overcome challenges.

While praising the kid for his positive behaviors and maintaining consistency are essential do's, harsh criticism or inconsistent rules are crucial don't.  

Despite the simplicity of these strategies, parents must personally take an interest and devote time to guiding their kids into becoming responsible, accountable, and empathetic individuals who value a healthier parent-child relationship founded on trust and respect.

About Bloom Learning Centre

At Boom Learning Centre, our teachers and caregivers are dedicated to cultivating a conducive atmosphere where children thrive. We ensure our students adapt to our effective discipline strategies. These strategies will help them understand people and things around them with clarity. They will also enable your kids to respect people, respond positively to challenges, and facilitate their personal growth. Our staff is well-trained in handling students' issues.  

Along with educating the kids, we ensure each child feels valued. We follow the essence of 5 important dos and don'ts of disciplining the child as they are instrumental in healthy development and strong character building in our students.  

Through various activities and educational routines, we empower our students to flourish academically and socially. We invite parents to join us in our parenting discipline guidelines workshops that will help create a lasting impact on the child's mindset and help him mature into an honest and responsible citizen of our society.

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